Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is so beautiful.You know i have a friendship braclet with my bestfriend;We are both Malaysian.We live in a same place called Ferryden park.Our mums dad know each other.Her family and my family are very closed.We also go to each other houses and now she is she is right beside me!On Wednesday i went to her house and swim at her swimming pool.My sisters were there too.Oh my god!I forget one best friend.Her name is Israa.She is my preety one.She always invite me to her birthday party.It was sooo fun.She got a piƱataWe each got a turn.She is from Iraq.                                                   

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ridiculously delicious !!!

OMG isn't this the delicious laksa ever!I know right,i feel like eating it.I will tell you all about that i ate laksa last year.It was my best friends birthday her name is Nureen she is Malaysian.She got laksa so we can eat.It was soooo cool.Her house has a swimming pool and a sandpit.We swam in her swimming pool and we played on her sandpit.My sister Syafiah was there too.

cutie pie....

Isn't this cat adorable.I love cats,they are very furry.Well sometimes i hate cats that poos  everywhere.Thats what i hate about cats.They scratch too.The good thing about cats are they keep you compony and you can play with them.I had a cat before and it was just born.It's mum left the kitten so we decided to keep him.I feed him everyday.I give milk to him.One day when we when back to was dead.We burried him and i put a little lolly pop on top of it to remember that  that was the place we burried him.It was under our banana tree.The end.

brushy brushy brush!!!

Today i will tell you that i brush my teeth.It was so so fun brushing my teeth in the shower . I was like brushing the whole day.I brush my teeth everyday.Well not really but mostly.So i hope you brush your teeth.When i went back to Malaysia i went to my cousins house.Around that place there was this dentist and that is the first time i went to a dentist.But i don't mind at least i finally fix my teeth but not really.I fix the bottem one but not the up one.So that is it for to day i will write next time.:)

Monday, December 13, 2010

sowwy... :(

Hi again,I am very sorry bloggyy that for a very long time i haven't write anything.I kind of  forget everything about you and i hope you remember me.I went to Malaysia for 3 weeks .That is why i haven't write for a long long time.SO, that is all BYE BYE BLOGGY.